24/Seven® LockSafe® DP - Grease Resistant Anti-Fatigue Flooring - For Welding

Performance meets comfort in gas arc welding.  24/Seven LockSafe is a modular ergonomic floor system made up of large 3’ x 3’ rubber tiles that install fast and stay secure.  The iconic diamond-plate surface provides addition traction for stability and the pliable rubber compound provide the comfort MIG and TIG welders need to maintain focus.

24/Seven’s LockSafe connections hold secure in all directions with no fear of separation even with heavy foot traffic or light cart traffic.  The dependable interlocks, lightweight design, and unmatched flexibility allow assembled sections to be lifted up, rolled up, and rolled away for removal or maintenance.  These tiles stay together but can be “unzipped” when needed.  

Use optional 24/Seven GR edging and corners for a safe transition in and out of welding workstations and booths.

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SKU 579W

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