Recommended Mats For Workstations

Recommended Mats For Workstations

Workstation mats are important for the human body. Work requires people to be active, alert, and feeling good so they can perform their best. Human bodies are easily subjected to injury and discomfort which can slow down work. We are constantly looking for less taxing ways to accomplish our daily tasks. Anti-fatigue mats are used to accomplish this for the human body.


Welding Mat


Where are they used?

Workstations are common across the world today. They’re in kitchens, at a fulfillment centers, and every cash register is a workstation. Most of these people stand for their entire shift.

You’ve determined you need standalone workstation mats as opposed to Ergonomic Flooring. But there are so many different mats out there, where to even start? A quick internet search yields millions of results!

Narrowing it down

So there are thousands of mats out there. One good way to start narrowing them down is to find out if your workstation is wet or dry. Wet ares require different compounds to resist slips and fight oils. Dry areas have more options, but many cannot be used in a wet area.


Wet Area Mat


Wet Areas:

If you occasionally spill a little water and wipe it up, you can use a traditional Dry Area mat. But if wet, oils, cutting fluids, slippery floors, etc. are common, make sure your workstation mat is up to the job at hand. The wrong mat can encourage a slip, fall, and injury. Wet area mats are often made of different types of rubber, some more resistant to chemicals. Nitrile Rubber is the most resistant. Below, we recommend a few options based on the type of challenge you are dealing with: Wet with Water, Wet with Oil or cutting fluid, Wet with Chemicals, Ultimate Traction


dry area mat


Dry Areas

Dry areas have more options, but pose their own difficulties. Some dry areas are so dusty, mats seem to slide everywhere. Other dry areas may see sparks or need extra traction for the worker. Luckily there are easy solutions for most common dry area challenges. Here are just a few areas where the right mat can allow a worker to perform to the best of their abilities: Premium Dry Area Mats, Dry Anti-Slide, Dry w/ extra surface traction, Dry area Lab Mats, Dry Welding



Giant Mat


Workstation Size Considerations:

Many traditional dry area mats can be made to any unique workstation size. In wet areas, rubber custom mats are often prefered, and can also be made to specific workstation size requirements.

While a 2’x3’ mat is perfect for workers standing in one spot during their shift, many ‘workpaths’ require people to move back and forth to complete their work. Many of our traditional dry area mats can be made to any unique workstation size.

In wet areas, it is often prefered to have rubber mats custom made to specific workstation size requirements. The point is, a 2x3 or 3x5 mat is not always the best, safest, or most ergonomic answer. If custom mats are out of the budget, there are a great selection of other sizes for Wet Areas: 3’x4’, 3’x10’, 3’x20’




Budget Vs. Premium Workstation Mats:

Budget Workstation Mats: There are many budget workstation mats available. Budget mats are mostly made of inexpensive foam. These can look great, feel great, but they generally break down and rip very quickly. They should not be used in a workstation that sees long hours or multiple shifts. Foam should also not be used in wet areas, or areas with heavy foot traffic. For a well priced but strong budget mat, Ortho Stand, and SMART mats are often prefered.

Industry Standard Workstation Mats: Many of the mats in the industry today are essentually the same. Workers like how they feel, even if they don’t have the budget for a longer lasting, premium mat. That is ok. Sometimes these can do the most good for the most people from a budget perspective. SELECT in dry areas and WorkSafe in wet areas are often preferred when this is the case.

Premium Workstation Mats: Sometimes you’re looking for the very best Ergonomics, the best value for your money over time, products that will last for years. You want something that is up to the job better than anything else on the market. Also, if you’re been dealing with any pain points involving Musculoskeletal disorders or complaints of painful feet, the right mat can be a saving grace. Diamond Plate SpongeCote is prefered across industries in this case, and Rejuvenator is the very top of the line. In wet areas, the longest lasting workstation mats will be the 24/ Seven Workstation Mat.


Good Better Best DP


Overall, workstations in different work environments will require different mats. Remember, 1 size does not fit all. The right mat in the right place will prevent injuries, optomize performance, and position your team to feel their best on the job.