Buying From a Leader and Innovator
Companies love to say they’re leaders and innovators. They’ll boast about their latest and greatest product offering while making bold statements about being the first to market. While it sounds great, it's obvious that not every company can be the market leader. In fact, most aren't. So, how do you know who leads the market? Well, when it comes to buying from a leader and innovator in workplace ergonomics, it all comes down to reputation. |
Wearwell is the Preeminent Market Expert |
Being a highly sought-after market leader and product innovator comes first and foremost from being a market expert. That expertise doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s not something you stake a claim on. It takes time. It takes investment. Most importantly, it takes an in-depth understanding of what customers need. Wearwell has been developing cutting-edge, safety-oriented anti-fatigue matting and ergonomic flooring solutions for standing employees since 1950. Our customer-centric focus, market know-how, and innovative products are the reason we’ve been our customers’ first and only choice for well over seven decades. However, are we just boasting, or do we back it up? Well, here are some things to consider. |
What it takes to be a Market Leader |
You’ll often see companies claiming to be market leaders only to find out later they’re small companies with an extremely small market footprint. Some are even e-commerce enterprises that do nothing more than sit back and wait for incoming orders. These companies focus on one-time sales and offer little to no after-sales support. Either they don’t understand the importance of maximizing customer face-time, or worse, don’t want to invest in having the right coverage. Wearwell is not one of these companies. |
A Longstanding, Loyal Customer Base |
No matter how many times a company claims to be the leader, or claims to be the innovator, it’s always the customer that ends up deciding who leads the market. We don’t use gimmicks and ploys to keep customers; Wearwell’s industrial customers see our ergonomic flooring solutions as their best available option. It’s the reason why we have customer relationships that go back well over 30 years. |
An All-Encompassing Team |
Our customer-facing sales team works alongside our customer service, engineering, and design teams to ensure that Wearwell is constantly exceeding our customers’ expectations. Our teams will perform on-site surveys to find tailor-made solutions. No competitor has this kind of support. |
Not a “Me-Too” Provider |
Should a market leader force you to buy a Me-Too product that doesn’t completely solve your problem? Of course not. Plenty of so-called “market leaders” focus solely on Me-Too products. They only pursue “new” product development after their competition has introduced a solution. Competitors claim they can customize their matting. The truth is they’re limited to a fixed width and length. Wearwell is the only manufacturer whose customization is unlimited. Our anti-fatigue matting can be made in any size, shape, or configuration. |
Incredible Customer Tools |
Having an expansive sales team is one thing but empowering them with the first-ever Site-Survey app is something else entirely. This app allows our salespeople to work alongside customers our for an on-site assessment. They’ll take the guesswork out of the decision process and make recommendations and take measurements to tailor a solution for you. |
What it Takes to Be a Market Innovator |
Wearwell’s product innovation is driven by the need to solve our customers’ problems, not forcing them to buy something because it’s all we have available. Whether it’s introducing the world’s first anti-slide mat (WOW!) or designing the number one, all-time selling industrial mat (DiamondPlate SpongeCote), Wearwell has been at the forefront of the market for decades. Innovative is an adjective that companies tend to use far too often but Wearwell backs it up with over 15 patents and multiple market firsts. |
24/Seven® LockSafe® Flooring |
Competitors’ modular rubber tiles have passive connections that are notorious for coming apart. These so-called solutions connect initially but once in use, they don’t stay together. Once apart, they’re not just unsightly, they introduce trip hazards. Wearwell’s patented 24/Seven® LockSafe® modular anti-fatigue system features a patented connection to lock the tiles together but can be “unzipped” for reconfiguration. |
Modular Ergonomic Platforms |
Wearwell’s FOUNDATION® has put an end to antiquated work platforms that cost a fortune in materials and labor and impossible to disassemble for reconfiguration. You need a solution that grows as you grow. Your market isn’t static and neither is your company. Foundation provides all the stability and benefits of conventional platforms at a fraction of the cost. Our lightweight, easily assembled aluminum platforms allow you to use up to three different tile surfaces while employing cross braces for enhanced stability. |
ErgoDeck® MAX All-Encompassing Solution |
ErgoDeck® MAX epitomizes what it means to be an innovator in ergonomic flooring. We’ve combined our ErgoDeck® modular tiles with our proprietary Nitricell® premium sponge, a sponge with incredible crush resistance that easily absorbs repeated compressions and impacts. The result is a customizable anti-fatigue matting solution with unmatched flexibility and comfort. |
Rejuvenator’s Near-Indestructible Construction |
Rejuvenator® was specifically designed for comfort in areas big and small. These products are made from 100% urethane, have a thick outerwear layer, and comply with ASTM G21 anti-microbial standards. The modular versions have hidden interlocks for a seamless, secure installation. Any company can claim to be a leader. Any company can say they have innovative products. The question is can they back it up. Will they limit your options by pushing you towards a low-priced, low-quality product simply because that’s all they can offer without investing in true innovation? Will they work alongside you to make the best possible solution? The choice is yours. Wearwell is committed to providing our customers with affordable, scalable, and customizable flooring solutions that reduce employee absenteeism, increase morale, and provide long-term, bottom-line savings. Contact us and join the thousands of satisfied Wearwell customers. |
Still have questions? Reach out to us to let us know how we can help. |
Contact Wearwell |