High-Temp Anti-Fatigue Mats for Welding


Industrial Athlete welder

447 WeldSafe® Anti-Fatigue Mats

Lightly-textured, High-Temp Welding Mats and Runners

446 Diamond-Plate WeldSafe® Anti-Fatigue Mats

Iconic Diamond Plate High-Temp, High-Traction Welding Mats and Runners

WeldSafe Pebble Surface Anti-Fatigue WorkStation for weldersWeldSafe Pebble Surface Anti-Fatigue WorkStation for welders
WeldSafe Anti-Fatigue Workstation mat for weldersWeldSafe Anti-Fatigue Workstation mat for welders
447 WeldSafe Anti-Fatigue Mat Pebble Texture for weldding447 WeldSafe Anti-Fatigue Mat Pebble Texture for weldding
447 WeldSafe Pebble Texture
446 WeldSafe Diamond-Plate Anti-fatigue Mat Texture446 WeldSafe Diamond-Plate Anti-fatigue Mat Texture
446 WeldSafe Diamond-Plate Texture

For Professional Welding Applications - WeldSafe by Wearwell

Not all anti-fatigue mats can hold up to high-demand, high-heat conditions of welding.  Most welders know this firsthand and resist the use of mats altogether. Mats may all look the same, but they don’t all perform the same.

WeldSafe® has a specially formulated SBR rubber surface that repels sparks and hot metal shards. The durable heat-resistance surface material has an ignition point of over 500° Fahrenheit. Wearwell's exclusive Nitricell® sponge is nitrile-enhanced for long-lasting rebound and performance.  Nitricell absorbs repeated compression and bounces back to its original form better than any other sponge on the market.  WeldSafe - The right choice for any professional welding application. 

  • Best Nitricell® Sponge
  • NFSI Certified
  • An ignition point of over 500⁰ Fahrenheit
  • Customizable comfort for welding
  • Available in 1" (25 mm) and 11/16" (17mm) thick
  • 1 foot cut lengths to 75 ft available