Diamond-Plate SpongeCote - Black with Chevron Borders

National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) Certification Logo

Diamond-Plate Anti-fatigue Workstation Mats outperform compared to off-brand floor mats in the market. The unique Nitricell sponge base of this floor mat delivers twice the resilience and three times the life expectancy of simple PVC sponge anti-fatigue mats. Nitricell is a Nitrile composite that provides exceptional comfort, rebound, and long life. The safety bevel extends the sponge within 3 inches of the mat's surface for more ergonomic standing area.

Designed for comfort and optimized worker productivity, these ergonomic floor mats are exceedingly popular among standing workers and workers in motion. Made for industrial strength and easily stands up to multiple shift operations. The Diamond-Plate pattern provides improved traction which can reduce workspace injuries and increase productivity.

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