What is ErgoDeck? ErgoDeck ( aka ergomat or ergotile ) is the market leader in ergonomic flooring. 18”x18” ergo tiles cover large & small areas with ease, are customizable to the inch, and can be used in nearly any work setting. All in all, ErgoDeck anti fatigue tile mats help workers (and their companies) thrive on the factory floor.
1. ErgoDeck created Ergonomic flooring
Wearwell introduced the original ErgoDeck ergonomic floor mat tiles in 2004 with a promise- to change the experiences of using sub-par anti-fatigue flooring. Before that, rubber tiles ruled the work floor. They came apart and caused trip hazards almost immediately, yet they stuck around because they provided critical fatigue relief for the heavily labored industrial athletes (workers) of the world.
Now nearly 20 years later, Wearwell carries 20+ version of ErgoDeck ergofloors including drainage, gritted, cleated for ultimate traction, colors for 5S, smooth for rolling carts, MAX fatigue relief for the very best anti-fatigue properties, and many more designed for unique workplace needs. All of the versions connect with each other for a neat, clean installation that will withstand heavy use.
2. ErgoDeck increases work performance
ErgoDeck interlocking mats ( aka anti fatigue tiles ) allow workers to perform their job at the highest level in the same way a proper field allows an athlete to play at the top of their game. Simple as that. The question is- are your field conditions supporting or draining your workforce? Don’t overlook the field conditions when measuring your teams stats. ErgoDeck provides the field conditions companies need to win on the production line.
3. ErgoDeck is better than an individual mat in certain situations
In many situations, a standalone workstation mat is not the right product. This mistake gets made all the time, and it leaves a bad taste when the mats don’t work out. Mats are perfect for certain workstations, assembly lines, etc. Just maybe not for a facility like the photo above. When looking at installing matting, it pays to compare all of the options. (What a professional would recommend and what you thought you needed could be at odds so it pays to find out.)
4. ErgoDeck has the Advantage vs. the competition (ErgoDeck Pictured Right)
ErgoDeck tiles have been compared in connection strength, applications covered, durability, ergonomics, and slip prevention. And it takes the cake:
- More surface choices- Smooth for carts, Diamond Pattern, Geometric pattern, Open for drainage, Gritted, and Cleated for the ultimate traction, general purpose
- More Colors- ErgoDeck can pantone match to over 10 million different colors
- Better connection- ErgoDeck held up to 225 lbs vs. 150 lbs for the competition
- More versions to cover specific needs- ErgoDeck has been around for longer, and has developed more versions to best fit unique needs. ErgoDeck is not a one trick pony like the knockoffs
- Better ergonomics- ErgoDeck general purpose 566 and MAX 599 are perfect for 24 hour foot traffic and the best fatigue relief
- Better Slip resistance- GRITSHIELD vs. Integrated Cleats
- Better customizability- Customizable down to the 1/2 inch and still able to reconnect
- Better ramp system- Holds together better. (For heavy duty try aluminum ramps)
- Easier to plan and install- Don't worry about male vs female ramps with ErgoDeck
- Less maintenance: Stronger over time & easier to clean (will roll up)
5. The biggest companies rely on ErgoDeck for ROI
It would be impossible to name all the companies who use ErgoDeck interlocking floor mats. There are thousands and they wouldn’t all fit on the page! But one thing they all have in common is that when they are outfitting a new area, they ask for ErgoDeck by name. Companies who have come to trust ErgoDeck ergo mats will never rely on a secondary knockoff product. ErgoDeck is still the #1 trusted anti-fatigue flooring for companies who need every ounce of productivity from their employees.
6. ErgoDeck is used on every continent but Antarctica
Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, North America, and Australia. The world has come to rely on ErgoDeck because the USA made quality delivers ergonomics for longer than any knockoff in the WORLD. People are willing to pay to get ErgoDeck shipped across the globe because they understand how ErgoDeck benefits the workers who use it, as well as their company’s bottom line.
To sum it up- ErgoDeck has earned trust around the world from its performance over the past 20 years. Companies who need to count on their work floor trust ErgoDeck for their work needs.